Today is Bath Day for Askar. Our translator forgot that today (Saturday) we are suppose to have our visit at 4:00 p.m. instead of 10:00 a.m. We arrived at the Baby House and had to come back home until later. Apparently the children get a bath once a week.
The weather is a bit warmer today. In fact the icy sidewalks are melting…..much easier to walk now! However it is still cold out.
Yesterday we brought a DVD to watch, “Finding Nemo”. We thought that Askar would enjoy it. We don’t have it in Russian, so we had asked our translator Maria to translate. The movie starts and immediately Askar recognizes the movie as one he has seen before. After awhile he lost interest because of the English. We don’t blame him. We had our translator tell him that one-day soon, he will understand and speak English. He said “Da”, which means “Yes”. We do think his favorite part of the visit is eating! He loves the food we bring. I was able to find organic juice boxes with no sugar. He loves it. He is very hungry, so I am happy to feed him!
He has been speaking English words. His first English word is “Pretzel”. Now he says “Cookie” and “Bye Bye”.
We ate Chinese food yesterday with 2 other American couples who are adopting too. Joanne & Kevin from Long Island, New York and Debra & Tom from Oakland, CA! It was really great to visit with people from America! Our translator Maria joined us too. Maria speaks English very well, but I am sure that all the talking back and forth was difficult to keep up with. Maria is a trooper! It was a nice lunch!
We found one T.V. show that there was English dubbed, but then we could tell that the actors were speaking English too. Very confusing! It looked like a show from England. It was like a “Three’s Company” kind of show. For those of you who don’t know that show, it was with Suzanne Somers, Joyce DeWitt and John Ritter. We basically don’t even turn the T.V. on.
Several people have emailed us at We are able to check our email everyday.
Again it is GREAT hearing from so many of you!